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Long Island Student Entrepreneurship Competition 2017

Do You DARE?
Great companies start with great ideas. Turning them info successful enterprises requires a great business plan. If you have what it takes to present a great business plans...then DAre to Risk Entrepreneurship!

Background and Mission
As new centers of power emerge in the global economy, the capacity of our region and state  to "grow our own" innovative products and services, startup companies and good quality jobs continues to gain in importance. Led by the European Union and the U.S., the top 20 nations in GDP now also include not only China, Japan, and Russia but also Brazil, Mexico, South Korea, Indonesia and Turkey. In addition to sustaining and enhancing our nation's leadership in science and engineering, one of the most critical factors in our success as a nation, state and region is fostering entrepreneurial talent. The goal of New York State Business Plan Competition and its regional affiliate, DARE (Dare to Risk Entrepreneurship) Long Islandis to encourage student entrepreneurs to self-identify and provide them with tools and resources to develop their fledgling ventures. All will receive entrepreneurial development support; up to twelve will receive cash awards and the opportunity to compete for larger prizes at the statewide level.

2017 Regional Program | NYSBPC Industry Categories: 
  • Social Entrepreneurship/Non-Profit
  • IT/Software
  • Clean Tech
  • Advanced Tech
  • Products
  • Services

Participating Campuses & Contacts
Farmingdale State College
Dr. Richard Vogel:
Natalie Walsh:

Hofstra University
Stacey Sikes:

New York Institute of Technology
Dr. Marta

Stony Brook University
Dr. AnnMarie Scheidt:

2017 Regional Competition Entry Form
Teams must complete the Entry Form to confirm interest in the 2017 Regional Competition. The Committee will be notified of your request for entrance and will correspond directly with all further information. Teams must be part of one of the three participating campuses to compete in the Regional Competition. 
February - March 2017: Contact your campus for deadline information on campus-level finals
April 4, 2017: Regional Finals, Campus Center Ballroom, Farmingdale State College (Hofstra, Stony Brook and Farmingdale Compete)
April 28, 2017: New York State Finals, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, Albany
