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Caitlin Wellbrock '24
BA English Honors

Caitlin wellbrockOn her major:
I am on the English Honors Track.
It is an intense study of all types of literature. The reason I chose this major and track is because I am so passionate about reading and writing. I’ve always loved reading, and I would constantly talk to my grandfather about novels, since he was a high school English teacher. I admired him, and I think one of the reasons I chose English as my major is because of that connection we shared, through literature. 

Favorite class:
I have a lot of favorite classes, as I have found all of my English classes interesting and important in my development of a full-rounded view of literature. However, one class I will always remember is Professor Justin Johnston’s Posthumanism class.
I think Posthumanism is fascinating. I hope that one day I will be able to teach a class on Posthumanism. 

Career aspirations:
I would like to go through an English PhD program and I dream of becoming an English professor. I would love to teach any college class pertaining to English, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds! 

Advice for potential Seawolves?
My advice would be to give school “your all.” By that, I mean that if you put your effort into your studies and work, it will greatly benefit you and you may discover what you are passionate about. It can even change the course of your career path. By giving 100%, you can achieve anything you want. You meet so many people along the way that can change your life. Becoming a seawolf means you are joining a wonderful community of students and scholars. Though it may seem tough sometimes, and stress will be high, think of the bigger picture. There’s an unknown road in front of you– take whichever path you think is right.