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Siya Majmundar '24
BA Political Science, MA Public Policy

siya majmundarOn her major:
I am majoring in political science with a concentration in comparative  politics and international relations. Additionally, I am concurrently enrolled in the Department of Political Science's  accelerated
BA/MA program, where I am passionately pursuing a master's degree in Public Policy. My  decision to delve into these disciplines stems from a deep curiosity to understand and influence the  complex mechanisms that shape societies and drive policy decisions at both local and international levels.

Favorite class:
One of the most memorable courses I had the pleasure of experiencing was POL 349: Social  Psychology and Law with Dr. Joseph Vitriol. This class was profoundly thought-provoking, leaving an  indelible mark on my academic journey for two compelling reasons. First, it provided an insightful  exploration into the intricate interplay of heuristics and biases that serve as the bedrock of the criminal  justice system. Through rigorous analysis, we delved into the psychological underpinnings shaping legal  frameworks, offering invaluable insights into the complexities of legal decision-making processes. However, what truly distinguished this class was Dr. Vitriol's innovative pedagogical approach. Rather  than merely lecturing, he ingeniously transformed us into active participants, leveraging our perspectives  as instruments of inquiry and discourse. By assuming the role of intellectual gadflies, we challenged  conventional wisdom, fostering an environment of critical engagement and intellectual curiosity.

Interests and accomplishments:
My journey has been one of diverse passions and prolific accomplishments. From an early age, I  embraced the moniker of the "Jack of all trades and the master of all," as my insatiable curiosity led me  to explore myriad interests with fervor. Yet, amidst this expansive exploration, two passions have always  remained closest to my heart: art and writing. On one hand, I have seamlessly integrated my love for art  into the realm of interior design, where I channel my creativity to craft bespoke spaces. On the other  hand, my literary journey has blossomed with the inception of Apricus Prep — an endeavor to eradicate  financial and pandemic-induced educational barriers. Currently, I proudly serve as the co-founder and  co-author of Apricus Prep!

Clubs and organizations:
I currently serve as the president of both the Pre-Law Society and Pi Sigma Alpha Chapter here at  Stony Brook University!

Career aspirations:
When my thoughts read my deepest desire - perhaps in The Mirror of Erised — speaking up is  what they see. Injustice in any capacity has always dominated my vex. Nevertheless, becoming a lawyer  is the voyage I chose to gain legal dogma — yet it’s not the finish line nor has it ever been! I aspire to be a  criminal defense attorney. I aspire to be that voice that everyone by virtue ought to have. Specifically, I  aim to work with acquitting wrongful convicts - a trend unfortunately infested in our criminal justice  system and in need of exigency.

Awards and Accolades:
-Provost’s Academic Excellence Award
-Phi Beta Kappa Speaker
-Outstanding Academic Achievement Award 2
-President of Pre-Law and Pi Sigma Alpha
-Phi Beta Kappa Award
-Pi Sigma Alpha Honor
-Outstanding Academic Achievement Award
-Eta Theta Pinnacle Awards in Writing
-Deans List all Semesters

Advice for potential Seawolves?
Passion transcends all materialism. Find something intrinsic to you — it could be anything - for  example, building or using your hands or wanting to help people. Connect that idea to something that can  tangibly be pursed (for example being a surgeon — you get to dance with the dexterity of your hands and  get to help people) but being a surgeon is not what defines you at the end, right? It all comes full circle  back to that intrinsic quality of using your hands and the hunger of giving back. Lastly, as my uncle once  told me, find something that you can do tirelessly, devoid of money, beyond time. Find something that  makes fatigue feel like fable…