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Ujala Dar '24
Summa Cum Laude
BA Globalization Studies and International Relations (GLI), BS Biology
Minor in Medicine, Health and Society
Pronouns: She/her

Ujala DarWhere are you originally from?
Long Island, NY

How did you hear about Stony Brook University?
I was co-president of the philosophy club in high school, and a member of our ethics bowl competition team. One day, we visited the campus for a philosophy conference in the Wang Center and I thought the campus environment was really welcoming, and I could really see myself going here!

On Stony Brook:
I wasn't 100% sure on what I wanted to study. I wanted to go to a big school with many opportunities.

On her major:
I decided I wanted to become a physician right before starting college, but I didn't want to give up my love for global history, so I chose to major in GLI. I took my first biology class in my second year and found that I really loved that as well, which is when I decided to double major. I've learned so much and met so many great people as a result of double majoring!

Favorite class:
This is a hard question because I've genuinely enjoyed so many of my classes at SBU. I really liked GLI 320 because of the content and learning how to make Story Maps using ArcGIS mapping software. I found the information in BIO 328 to be really fascinating as well.
Interests and accomplishments:
I've always had a love for art. I knew I wanted to continue with art in some way during my time here, so I joined the Young Investigators Review in freshman year as a layout/graphic design artist. Each semester, we publish a student-written and edited research journal with amazing graphics and visuals.

Awards and Accolades:
-Phi Beta Kappa
-Summa Cum Laude
-URECA grant award

Plans for post-graduation:
I will continue working at my research lab in the Department of Nephrology and as a medical assistant in an urgent care. I also hope to start a Fulbright ETA in Uzbekistan later in the year.

Career Aspirations:
Physician with a strong focus on global health.

Clubs or organizations:
-Young Investigators Review
 -Peace Action

Advice for potential Seawolves?
Venture out and find your place on campus! Classes can be difficult but take ones you're genuinely interested in, and always put your best foot forward.
Favorite SBU memory:
I frequently think back to how my classes started in 2020 during covid, and what they're like now. I started taking my GLI core classes over Zoom almost 4 years ago, and now I sit in my GLI 450 senior capstone class each Thursday with the same people.