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Shabiha Rahman '23
BA/MA English, minor in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Pronouns: she/her

Shabiha Rahman

Where are you originally from? 

I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia and Brooklyn, New York. 

On Stony Brook:

I always knew that I wanted to be an English teacher. I decided that going to a school with a small English and Teacher Preparation program meant that I’d always have opportunities to be close with my classmates and professors. The school also has a combined Bachelors and Masters program that allows me to get both degrees at once. Also, my older sister graduated from SBU!. 

On her major:

BA/MA in English with a concentration in Teacher Preparation and a minor in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. I find that these two fields cross paths a lot. While I’m reading literature and focusing on how to teach it, my minor gives me a wider and bolder lens on the world. 

Favorite Class:

My favorite classes would have to be either EGL 587 (Topics in Race, Ethnic Studies (Race/Ethnic - Diaspora)) or EGL 450 (Methods of Instruction). EGL 587 was taught by Professor E.K. Tan, who chose a wide variety of novels that explored a nuanced diasporic lens. Methods of Instruction prepared me for my student teaching journey and allowed me to develop foundational teaching skills with my cohort. 

Career aspirations: 

Hopefully, by the time I finish up my master’s degree, I can start working as an English teacher in the City. 

Clubs and organizations:

I have been part of Alpha Nu Zeta English Honor Society since my sophomore year. As a former E-Board member, I have seen that organization grow tremendously. 

Advice for potential Seawolves:

This campus has so many clubs, internships, and opportunities that should be taken advantage of. Always try to seek out a mentor who can give advice and knows a lot about your field of study. Stony Brook is filled with amazing connections, you just have to be willing to seek them. 

Favorite SBU Memory:

My favorite memory would have to be my first Wolfieland or Roth Regatta. I love that I get to spend time with my friends on campus in a non-academic way during events like that.