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Jordyn Christophides '23
BA Political Science, BA Linguistics
Pronouns: she/her

Jordyn Christophides

How did you hear about Stony Brook University?
Stony Brook was always right in my backyard since I’m from St. James! I feel so lucky to have had close access to such an amazing institution.

On Stony Brook:
Stony Brook offered me the opportunity to study two subjects that I loved under some of the most intelligent and accomplished professors I have ever met, all without plunging me into debt. I'm pursuing a career in humanitarian aid and refugee relief, so this was a huge consideration for me.

On her major:
I double major in political science and linguistics. I chose political science because of my interest in international relations and diplomacy, and linguistics because of my deep fascination with languages, how they evolve, and the second language acquisition process. I could not have found two more remarkable, rigorous, and welcoming departments to have been a part of. They will both hold a very special place in my heart.

Favorite Class:
My favorite class taken at Stony Brook has to be LIN 301: Phonology, with Professor Heinz. Although an unfamiliar word to some, phonology is the science of how sounds form a pattern in languages. In my opinion, it is the most beautiful confluence of language, psychology, cognitive science, and code-breaking. It opened up my world to the mental ecosystem behind language, and what it could reveal to us about how language works. The Department of Linguistics puts great emphasis on fostering engagement with understudied languages, and as a result, I have gained a comprehensive knowledge of so many languages that I hadn't even heard of four years ago.

My greatest accomplishments at SBU have been becoming a mentor for freshmen as a fellow in the University Scholars Program, advocating for the Stony Brook community as a member of the SBU Advocacy Corps, and receiving the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Student Excellence.

Greatest Achievement:
My greatest achievement has been the writing of my senior honors thesis in political science on “Misperceptions between the US and Iran and how to overcome obstacles to meaningful cooperation.”

Plans for post-graduation:
I plan to work with refugee relief organizations on legal and protection issues for refugees at home and abroad. Then, law school!

Career aspirations:
I hope to become an immigration attorney and to help create more effective, humane immigration policy in the US and abroad.

Clubs and organizations:
I am secretary of the Political Science Society and the event coordinator for the student chapter of Doctors Without Borders!

Advice for potential Seawolves:
My advice to future seawolves is that college is what you make of it. You have all the tools at your disposal to create a life you've always dreamed of — stay hungry! 

Favorite SBU memory:
My favorite SBU memories are with the people I've met here. Playing volleyball on Staller Steps on the first day of Spring, meeting my best friends—I'm so grateful to have met the people I have here.