José Manuel Baeza-Zúñiga
Currently in my fourth year at Stony Brook’s History Department, my work looks to
be part of the recent studies that account for the presence of Black people in South
America, particularly in Chile. I am interested in the different perceptions over
race during the mid-twentieth-century, a period that has been overlooked by academics
of the African diaspora in the country. To do so, I look into the exciting lives of
afro-descendant people that moved across the continent, relating to Chile in different
ways. In their travels, Black college students, basketball players, Black Power activists,
and soul musicians reshaped ideas over race and “blackness” in this southern nation.
This year, I’m also working as assistant to the director at the Latin American and
Caribbean Studies Center (LACS). From there we promote the debate and collaboration
among the Latino/a/x community of students and scholars at our University.