Lyle Suh
Major: Biology with a specialization in Neuroscience
Minor: Chemistry
My name is Lyle Suh and I am a senior majoring in Biology (specialization in Neuroscience)
and minoring in Chemistry. The past three years has been a neverending learning process
about myself and what community allows us to accomplish. Stony Brook has such a strong
support system in all areas that it helped me find my passion for education and my
love for the sciences. Being a PAL (Peer Assisted Learning) leader at the Academic
Success and Tutoring Center, and a TA for the Chemistry department allowed me to give
back the help I received and gain new skills. Starting a non-profit organization called
‘She’s the First at Stony Brook’ and bringing awareness to girls’ education sparked
a great deal of drive to make positive changes in our community as well as all over
the world. And lastly, being a part of our Stony Brook’s iGEM team-a student-led research
organization that competes in an international competition- and participating in URECA
pushed me forward into research and allowed me to see what we as undergraduates are
capable of accomplishing. Our campus community has been behind me every step of the
way providing me with incredible guidance and opportunities. For that reason, I feel
driven to give back to this amazing community and share how to embrace everything
our school has to offer!