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Louis A. Peña

Associate Professor of Practice

Management: Strategy and Entrepreneurship

PhD, UCLA | MBA, Stony Brook University

Office:  204 Bioengineering

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Louis Peña is the Director of the Life Sciences Innovation & Entrepreneurship (LiSIE) program and Advanced Graduate Certificate. LiSIE is a collaboration between the College of Business, the College of Engineering & Applied Sciences, and the Center for Biotechnology. Dr. Peña’s career spans biomedical research, technology commercialization, management, and education. He has worked with biotechnology startups and early stage companies. Author of 8 patents, his inventions led to a startup that progressed through preclinical and clinical development to exit by acquisition. As an Adjunct Professor, he has taught a variety of subjects ranging from science (biophysics, neuroanatomy, physiology) to management (HR, CRM, Healthcare Policy & Ethics).

Teaching: Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Management