Sangyoung Nam
Areas of Specialization: History and Theory of Postwar and Contemporary Experimental Film and Video, Medium and Materiality, Media Theory
Email: Sangyoung.Nam@stonybrook.edu
Sangyoung Nam is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Art History & Criticism at Stony Brook University. Her research interests center around the problems of materiality, spatiality, and spectatorship in exhibiting time-based media, with a specific emphasis on experimental film and video from the postwar and contemporary periods. She holds a B.A. in Aesthetics and Philosophy, as well as an M.A. in Aesthetics (Art Theory), both from Seoul National University. She has worked as a curator, critic, and research assistant at various art institutions in Seoul, including Leeum Samsung Museum of Art and Nanji Residency at Seoul Museum of Art.