Chris Voell
Lead, Agricultural & Household Biogas
Co-Chair, GMI Biogas Subcommittee
USEPA & Global Methane Initiative

Over his 30-year career, Chris has been a champion for biogas energy, improved waste management and methane mitigation. As Director of AgSTAR, Chris works with the U.S. livestock industry, government agencies and biogas industry in advancing manure digesters and biogas systems. Chris serves as Co-Chair of the Global Methane Initiative Biogas Subcommittee, advancing biogas energy projects globally. Chris previously helped lead the Landfill Methane Outreach Program – advocating for landfill gas energy. Chris served as Director of Technical Services for the Solid Waste Association of North America for 13 years – advancing the state of practice of waste management. He has worked for SCS Engineers, Cornerstone Environmental, BioCNG, and Aria Energy. Chris served on the Board of Directors of the American Biogas Council, and helped support implementation of the White House Strategy to Reduce Methane Emissions. Chris has Natural Resources degree from University of Maryland and Forestry from Paul Smith's College.
Presentation: The Role of Biogas in Advancing RNG