David W. South
Senior Principal, Sustainability
Energy & Utilities Practice
West Monroe Partners, LLC

David South has more than 35 years of power generation, distributed energy, energy efficiency and emissions control technology and related market, strategic, policy and regulatory assessment experience.
At West Monroe David works on market, regulatory and business operation/transformation issues at utility and private companies. His current projects include: project economics and value proposition of community solar; rooftop solar/storage economics and optimal rate design structure; non-wire alternative analysis and procurement process; and UOF regulatory support services.
David joined West Monroe Partners from Technology & Market Solutions, LLC. He was founder and president of this consultancy, which provided analytic, strategic, economic, and regulatory advisory services on technology, market, operation and compliance issues encountered by electric, water, and gas utilities, and industrial and transportation companies.
David holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics, Energy & Environmental Systems from John Carroll University and a Masters of Arts in Economics from University of Illinois, Chicago.