Bonnie Ram
Senior Researcher & Associate Director of the Center for Carbon-free Power Integration
University of Delaware

Bonnie Ram is a Senior Researcher & Associate Director of the Center for Carbon-free Power Integration at the University of Delaware. For ten years, as VP at a national firm, Bonnie worked for the Department of Energy Office of Wind Energy Technologies. She was a lead author on a number of major award-winning and highly recognized federal government reports, including the first offshore wind vision document & the 20% Wind by 2030 in 2008. Under a NSF & State of DE EPSCoR program, Ram conducted research on offshore wind and an original integrated risk framework to support better decision making. Recently, Ram served as a Guest Senior Researcher at the Danish Technical University – Wind Energy Department where her responsibility was to stimulate new thinking & build a new interdisciplinary division. Ram's current research focuses on engaging local citizens and politicians in the Mid-Atlantic around renewables & economic development opportunities.
Presentation: Offshore Wind Policy Considerations in Industry and Port Development