Leonard Poveromo
Executive Director
Composite Prototyping Center (CPC)

Leonard Poveromo is the Executive Director of the CPC which is a new non-profit composite manufacturing development center in Plainview, N.Y. Prior to this assignment, Mr. Poveromo was an Engineering Fellow and Director of Technology Development for Northrop Grumman's Aerospace Systems. Mr. Poveromo has held leadership positions in the Advanced Composite community throughout his 44-year career. His technical contributions and involvement with professional societies have been significant to the Advanced Composites industry whose evolution his career has paralleled. He currently is a fellow of SAMPE. He is a member of the Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center Executive Board – SUNY Stony Brook; Chemical and Molecular Engineering External Advisory Board – NYU/Poly University; South Carolina Research Authority's Technical Advisory Board and Executive Steering Committee. He has authored over 30 technical papers, holds several patents, was awarded SPI's “Centerpoise Award”, and was past Program and General Chairman of SAMPE's National Technical Conference and the Carbon Fiber Conferences. Mr. Poveromo has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Lehigh University and an MBA from Hofstra University.
Presentation: Composite Prototyping Center (CPC)