Matthew Palmer, PE
Vice President and Offshore Wind Manager

Matthew Palmer is a power industry professional skilled in acquisition, development, and management of power generation assets. He has over 30 years of experience spanning both renewable and conventional technologies, including wind, solar, natural gas, liquid fuel, and solid fuel. Matt's involvement with offshore wind in the US began 17 years ago with the first public hearing on the Cape Wind project. He became Project Manager for Engineering at Cape Wind and now manages the offshore wind business for WSP in the US.
Offshore wind in the US draws heavily on experience and technologies deployed in Europe. The US business is in an early stage compared to Europe, however, and significant gaps and differences exist. As an introduction to the panel on offshore wind technologies, this presentation will present the components of an offshore wind farm at a high level, and discuss some of the major gaps and differences between the US and Europe.
Presentation: Introduction to Offshore Wind Technologies