Kevin Morrissey
R&D Engineer
Smarter Grid Solutions

Kevin Morrissey is a Research & Development Engineer at Smarter Grid Solutions. He has most recently researched implementation challenges of state estimation in distribution systems. Additionally, Kevin works on developing power systems use cases and prototypes for active distribution control technologies. He received his MS in electrical engineering from University of Washington. Previously, Kevin worked on energy efficiency standards for consumer electronics with Navigant Consulting and obtained his BS in electrical engineering from Tufts University.
Distribution state estimation (DSE) has been identified by distribution utilities and regulators as an important step in modernizing distribution systems. Yet, in-the-loop DSE implementations are few and far between. This presentation provides context and direction to discussions on the future of distribution network visibility, outlining roadblocks and best practices for DSE implementation. NYSERDA and Smarter Grid Solutions have been researching this topic and will present their findings as well as a toolkit for approaching the issue.
Presentation: Distribution State Estimation: Implementation Challenges and Toolkit