Arkady Malakhov
Solid Cell Inc

Arkady Malakhov is founder and chief executive officer of Solid Cell Inc, an early stage company in Rochester, NY focused on developing innovative energy solutions based on state-of-the-art technologies in fuel cells, thermoelectrics, and catalysis Mr. Malakhov has been an entrepreneur in the alternative energy field for two decades. His experience includes investing and managing diverse technology portfolios, such as alkaline and solid oxide fuel cells, catalytic fuel processors for hydrocarbons, thermoelectric generators for cold energy recovery from cryogenic liquids, and infra-red radiant burners, among several others. While Mr. Malakhov does not have a formal technical education, having completed his undergraduate and graduate studies at Columbia University in economics, political science, and international affairs, his many years in the alternative energy sector have provided him with a unique perspective, focused on the nexus between technology, business, and social impact.
Presentation: Functional Printing