Paul Kalb
Deputy Chair of the Environmental & Climate Sciences Department
Brookhaven National Laboratory

Paul Kalb is the Deputy Chair of the Environmental & Climate Sciences Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory and has responsibility for a broad range of DOE and Strategic Partnership projects. He has a MS Degree in Nuclear Engineering and Energy Policy from NY Institute of Technology and has been working at BNL on issues related to energy and the environment for over 37 years. As Research Engineer and Principal Investigator, he developed and tested innovative technologies for environmental remediation and treatment of hazardous and radioactive wastes resulting from energy and industrial processes. These have included processes for encapsulation, stabilization/solidification and in situ environmental remediation as well as the development of new, environmentally friendly “green” concretes. Many of these technologies have been patented and several have been licensed for commercial deployment. In 2009, Paul was named the Brookhaven National Laboratory Inventor of the Year.
Brookhaven National Lab (BNL) developed an innovative and cost-effective process for the production of an energy-efficient and environmentally clean concrete alternative known as SulfCrete®. The technology upcycles industrial by-products from the energy sector including sulfur from oil and gas recovery, petroleum distillates from refineries, and fly ash from coal-fired power plants to produce sulfur polymer concrete. Compared with conventional concrete, it is stronger, requires no water, achieves full strength within hours, and has a much smaller carbon footprint. BNL patented the technology and licensed it to Green SulfCrete, Inc., which is working in partnership with Roman Stone Construction Co., a well-established and experienced manufacturer of precast concrete to bring the technology to market. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) are providing funding to support the scale-up and demonstration of the process to manufacture and test real-world pre-cast concrete products.
Presentation: Commercialization of SulfCrete®, an Alternative, Low-Carbon Concrete