William Jorgenson
Managing Director
Vanguard Renewables

Bill Jorgenson is the recently retired Managing Director of Vanguard Renewables which owns and operates three farm digesters taking food organics to make electricity and fertilizer in an environmentally friendly way. VR has more digesters in construction and development in five States. VR is funded by institutional investors who have an interest in climate change as a vehicle for a more productive world. He formed in 2008 Agreen Energy to make renewable electricity and fertilizer from dairy manure and food organics. These assets and business model have been merged into Vanguard where AGE and Bill are also shareholders. Jorgenson has spent his life in the food industry marketing and management including as Founder of SJH Consulting for agri-customers and Vice President of Latin America for Quaker Oats. He is an author, industry speaker, Advisory Board member and member of dairy Industry working groups. He works now on development project assignments for Vanguard.
The development of digesters is expensive and challenging with the need to bring together industry segments who are not accustomed to working together. Agriculture, food processors and providers, waste haulers, utilities, and public policy for energy and the environment.
Getting them to all work in concert requires there being something of mutual benefit, without overly increasing the costs substantially of any one segments activity. Policy aimed at better air quality, water quality, local production of food, and sustainable energy and business practices while turning wastes into productive use requires new models for collaboration and business helped by policy of foresight.
Vanguard works to have duplicatable models to fit local needs, and resources.
Presentation: New Models – Farm Digesters for Energy and Fertilizer