Ray Hohenstein
Market Applications Director

Ray Hohenstein is a Market Applications Director with Fluence, a joint venture between Siemens and AES and a leading global provider of energy storage systems and services. In this role, he is directly responsible for identifying markets and applications that are attractive for energy storage development and educating potential customers on business cases for energy storage. Prior to joining Fluence, he worked for McKinsey & Company, where he served utility and tech clients on a range of topics including digital capability building, mergers and acquisitions, and operations transformations. He holds an MBA from Duke University and a BA from Harvard University.
Fluence is a leading provider of energy storage systems globally, with over 500 megawatts contracted or installed in 16 countries, covering nearly 60 projects. Fluence is the merger of AES' energy storage team and Siemens' energy storage team, providing storage products and services across the globe.
Storage is winning in more and more in head-to-head procurements against alternatives for peak capacity because it provides a more cost effective, and better performing alternative than traditional thermal peakers or T&D upgrades. And the value of storage only increases as renewable penetration increases
We've seen this firsthand in several of our projects. To highlight three:
1) 30 MW / 120 MWh in Escondido, California. Owned and operated by SDG&E, providing peak capacity. Was operational within 6 months of contract being signed, the largest battery in the western hemisphere
2) 100 MW / 400 MWh in Long Beach, California. The largest contracted battery in the world, to provide peak capacity. Online in 2021.
3) 2 MW / 8 MWh in Punkin Center Arizona. Non-wires alternative, providing peak capacity to avoid need to upgrade transmission line.
Presentation: Meeting Peak Demand Through Energy Storage