Xianyong Feng, PhD, PE
Center for Electromechanics
University of Texas at Austin

Xianyong Feng is with the Center for Electromechanics, The University of Texas at Austin, and is actively working on R&D projects related to modeling, simulation, and experimental tests for microgrids and other mission critical energy systems. Some of these efforts are supported by DOD and DOE. Previously, he worked at ABB, Raleigh, NC, and interned at ExxonMobil, Houston, TX. He has authored or co-authored over 40 technical papers and book chapters, and holds 4 US patents and multiple patent applications. His research interests include the areas of power system modeling and control, microgrids, and electric ships. More broadly, Dr. Feng has extensive R&D experience in areas of smart grid cyber-security, distributed energy integration, and transportation electrification. Dr. Feng is a member of IEEE and a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina.
Microgrid is a small scale power system with distributed green resources requiring high energy efficiency, reliability and stability. The U.S. Department of Energy has identified the microgrid as a key technology to increase the reliability, efficiency and resilience of the aging power grid. This talk will first present key features and technical challenges in ac/dc microgrids. A MW-level lab-based microgrid at University of Texas will also be briefly introduced. Following that, a few novel microgrid intelligent control methods including advanced energy management, fast dc fault management, and virtual inertia control, will be discussed. At last, case studies including real-time hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation and experimental tests will be presented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed controls.
Presentation: Intelligent Control for Microgrids