Johannes Escudero
Founder and CEO
RNG Coalition

Johannes D. Escudero is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Coalition For Renewable Natural Gas, Inc. (RNG Coalition). The RNG Coalition provides the public policy platform and advocacy and education voice for the renewable natural gas industry in North America. Through effective advocacy and education, the RNG Coalition has successfully expanded and created new RNG markets at the federal, state, provincial and local government levels in the United States and Canada. The RNG Coalition's membership is international and includes leading companies and organizations from each industry sector - including producers of 90% of the renewable natural gas in North America. Mr. Escudero has more than fifteen years of organizational leadership and business development experience, with a diverse background in consulting, nonprofit management, higher education, politics, governmental, legislative and regulatory affairs. Prior to leaving to found the RNG Coalition, Mr. Escudero served as Legislative Director in California's State Assembly, serving ranking members of the Budget, Transportation, Utilities and Commerce, Natural Resources and Environmental Safety & Toxic Materials committees.
Presentation: Renewable Natural Gas (RNG)