Jorge Calzada
Director Data Science, Advanced Data & Analytics
National Grid
A first-generation American, Jorge has a BS in Operations Management and MS in Information Systems from Northeastern University. He also has an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management. For the last 8 years, Jorge has been focusing his attention on solving the problems at the heart of the Energy Industry. Jorge is the Director of Data Science, Advanced Data & Analytics, National Grid.
Jorge is co-author of several papers including Resource Allocation Under Uncertainty and Improving Emergency Storm Planning using Machine Learning. Jorge has presented on these subjects at several utility conferences, state government conferences, the IEEE, and the White House Climate Datapalooza. In 2014, Jorge was honored by the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce as one of Ten Outstanding Young Leaders. He is a board member for InnerCity Weightlifting, dedicated to breaking the multi-generational cycle of violence, using weightlifting as a pathway to inclusion and economic mobility.
Presentation: National Grid's Advanced Data & Analytics Team