Robert Broadwater

Robert Broadwater is CTO at EDD. He has worked for the US Army Material Command, General Electric, Babcock & Wilcox, Tennessee Tech, Virginia Tech, four U.S. national labs, EPRI, DOE, DOD, NSF, GE, Lockheed Martin, and over 40 electrical utilities worldwide. He has developed a matrix-free approach to systems analysis, Graph Trace Analysis.
Accurate analysis of Photovoltaic (PV) generation is requiring changes in modeling and analysis practices, along with the use of new standards. Incorporating secondary circuit models in power flow analysis of distribution systems is not the typical practice, but with installed PV generation growing on secondary circuits, large analysis errors can result with simple secondary circuit models. Accurate power flow analysis with PV generators occupying many acres requires distributed PV generation models as opposed to point models. A Cloud Motion Simulator that employs one second, quasi-steady state, power flow analysis, implementing the new IEEE 1453-2015 standard, is considered. The increase in computational intensity required for accurate analysis along with new practices at Pepco Holdings are considered.
Presentation: Computationally Intense PV Generation Analysis for Accurate Decisions